1-800-275-2273: Apple Customer Service Phone Number in USA

Phone No
Toll Free
Customer Service
24 hours, 7 days
  • (800) APL–CARE.
  • Contact number for iPod, Mac and iPad technical support.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Apple customer support.


1-800–692–7753 - details
1-800-694-7466 - details
Official website - details
 - details


i have received 2 calls from a this# - how do i know if it’s fraudulent or a real problem?

They called me today, three red flags went up, 1- I been using a Blackberry for the last 3 years, 2- I used to use an Apple V iPhone but this robo call contacted me on my land line, I never gave my land line out when I registered my old iPhone, 3- I never trusted the cloud, so I never signed up for it, or ever used it. If you get called by this number, or Apple Care, hang up and don't call them back. Apple Support would never call you anyway, unless you know someone who actually works in their corporate offices and it's a social call.

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