Fitbit Customer Service Email in USA
Customer Service
Fitbit Ionic recall/refund
Good day!
Had some problems with my registration process, Agent Apple Ann was very kind to offer a lot of help. Thank you very much for a good team and customer support.
Heart rate not registering
I received my Fitbit Versa for my birthday in Jan 2019. Starting last week I was unable to get my fitbit to read my heart. I have gone to the help articles and read to press the button on the left and press the button on the bottom right hand side at the same time until the Fitbit Icon shows. Did all that with no success. Then read to go to the settings on the Fitbit, then to about and scroll down to the bottom and select shutdown. Again I proceeded to do that and do a restart and still no heart rate showing.
This is very disappointing since my Fitbit is not even a year old and already not being able to use this function.
Could you please provide me with a solution on how to fix this issue?
Thank you
Bev Pasienza